Consulate Of Uruguay Bangladesh

Consulate of Uruguay Bangladesh/Consulado de Uruguay Bangladesh

ambassador Mr. alberto guani

His Excellency Mr. Alberto Guani assumed the charge of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of India with concurrent accreditation to Sri Lanka and Bangladesh on 8 of July 2021. Prior to his current appointment, he served as Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany and Consul General in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

He was appointed to various Uruguayan Missions abroad including the Permanent Mission to the United Nations and the German Democratic Republic, as a consequence of Reunification, at the Office in Berlin. He has also served in several Divisions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Montevideo.

Ambassador Mr. Guani joined Uruguayan Foreign Service in 1985 and was trained at IASE the Foreign Service Institute, Montevideo. He participated in numerous courses and holds a Master in International Relations from the University of the Republic of Uruguay.

message from the ambassador

On July 6, 2021, I assumed duties as Ambassador of Uruguay in India with attendance in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. This appointment represents a great professional challenge in my extensive diplomatic career and a call to continue expanding and deepening Uruguay’s relations with the most populated democracy in the world.

Since 1948, Uruguay and India – the starting point of diplomatic relations – have been building a solid bond that has reached more than 75 years of uninterrupted diplomatic relations.

Throughout all these years, the bilateral relationship has acquired greater dynamism, with high-level visits from authorities in one country or another, a convergent political dialogue, approval of bilateral instruments on a wide range of issues of common interest, greater trade and a bet on Indian investments in Uruguay.